Anete Brito L. Ivo

Anete Brito L. Ivo

Professor in Sociology / Catholic University of Salvador (UCSAL), BRAZIL

Anete Ivo is also Collaborator Professor at the Post-graduate Program of Social Science at Federal University of Bahia-UFBA.

She is a researcher at the CNPq – Brazil, working at the Center for Study and Research on Humanities of the Federal University of Bahia (CRH-UFBA). She is co-founder of an interdisciplinary Brazilian journal of Social Sciences – Caderno CRH - and was its Scientific Editor for twenty years.  At present she is a member of the Advisory Committee of Publication at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq  and of several editorial boards of Brazilian social science journals.

Ivo has an MSc from the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil) and a PhD in Sociology from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE, Brazil). She was Distinguished Latin American Professor of Social Science (Chair Simon Bolivar) at the University of Paris III and Visiting Professor at various French Universities. Her research has discussed the processes of modernization, development and democracy of the Latin American societies and her main research topics include social protection and the restructuring of welfare states in Latin American countries; labor, inequality and social class; the State and social movements; social theory.

In collaboration with 85 authors, Ivo recently produced a Thematic Dictionary of Development and Social Issues that presents the social and political interfaces of the economic development model and its effects on poverty, social inequality, labor and the environment.This book was selected by the Brazilian Book Chamber as one of the ten Brazilian books competing for the Jabuti Prize 2014 (Prêmio Jabuti 2014).

Recent Books:

  • Dicionário temático Desenvolvimento e Questão Social [Thematic Dictionary of Development and Social Issues], Annablume Editors, 2013. (Editor and lead author)
  • Viver por um fio: pobreza e política social. [Living by a thread: poverty and social policy],  Annablume Editor, 2008.
  • Metamorfoses da questão democrática. Governabilidade e pobreza. [Metamorphosis of Democratic Issue: Governance and Poverty]. Clacso, 2001.
  • O Poder da Cidade - Limites da governança urbana. [The Power of the city. Limits of urban governance.], EDUFBA, 2000.(Editor and lead author).

Among her recent authored and co-authored articles are:

  • «The Brazilian Approach to Crisis: Growth Recovery, Basic Social Income, and a Wide Social Pact » (co-authored with Ruthy Nadia Laniado),In: Ulrike Schuerkens. (Edt.). Socio-economic Outcomes of the Global Financial Crisis. (Editor Routledge. 2012.  p. 154-172.
  • ”Um paradigma para além do contrato: a inovação do Brasil nas políticas de transferência de renda”. In: Adilson M. Gennari;, Cristina Maria Albuquerque. (Edts.). Políticas públicas e desigualdades sociais: debates e práticas no Brasil e em Portugal. Cultura Acadêmica - UNESP, 2012. p. 57-77.
  • ”Trabalho e Pobreza nas Regiões Metropolitanas Brasileiras” (co-authored with Angela Borges). In: Carlos Fidel. Enrique Valencia Lomelí. (Comps.). (Des)Encuentros entre reformas sociales, salud, pobreza y desigualdad en América Latina. CLACSO/Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2012. v. 2, p. 21-46.
  • ”Bolsa Família: caminhos da coesão social ou segmentação da pobreza?”. In: C. Barba; N. Cohen. (Comp.). Perspectivas críticas sobre la cohesión social. Desigualdad y tentativas falidas de integración social en América Latina. CLACSO, 2011.  p. 171-194.
  • ”The Transformation of the Social Issue: poverty, society and the State »(co-authored with Ruthy Nadia Laniado), in: Ulrike Shuerkens. (Edt.). Globalization and Transformations of Social Inequality. Routledge, 2010. p. 135-150.



CROP News and Events

CROP-GRIP Newsletter 2019-2020

March 2020

This special issue newsletter is the final one for CROP and the first one for GRIP. It explains the transition process and provides an overview of CROP activities in 2019.

The Politics of Social Inclusion: From Knowledge to Action

15 November 2019 | UN Library, GENEVA

BOOK LAUNCH for forthcoming CROP/UNESCO publication (as part of UNRISD Seminar Series)

Putting Children First: New Frontiers in the Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa

18 October 2019 | Brighton, UK

BOOK LAUNCH and workshop at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in Brighton, UK

News from CROPNET
