
CROP Events 1991-2008

Poverty and the Right to Water and Food

27-28 November 2008 | Trondheim, Norway

Workshop organized by CROP at the Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU) conference 2008: Globalisation: Nation States, Forced Migration and Human Rights.

Barneforum: Fattigdom blant barn - Analyser og tiltak

17 October 2008 | Bergen, Norway

Organised by CROP and the Childwatch International Research Network.

Producción de Pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe

15-17 October 2008 | Lima, Peru

The CLACSO-CROP programme and Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo (DESCO) organize an international seminar about Poverty production in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Poor vs. Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean

10-12 September 2008 | Bergen, Norway

Organized by the CLACSO/CROP programme at the 4th Nordic Latin America Research Network (NOLAN) Conference: Latin American Futures.


20 May 2008 | Bergen, Norway

Hvilke krefter og strukturer skaper fattigdom? Hva gjør politiske myndigheter for å fjerne fattigdommens kilder? Gir kamp mot global oppvarming og utdanning for alle håp om å utrydde fattigdommen? Seminaret belyser disse problemstillingene.

Poverty, Economic Integration and International Trade

27-29 November 2007 | Quito, Ecuador

Organized by the CLACSO/CROP programme in co-operation with Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (UASB).

Adolescent Poverty: Institutional Relations between Education, Poverty and Work

5-7 November 2007 | Bergen, Norway

Workshop organized by CROP at the Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU) conference 2007: Making Institutions Work for the Poor?

Rethinking Poverty and Children in the New Millennium: Linking Research and Policy

17-19 September 2007 | Oslo, Norway

Organised by CROP and the Childwatch International Research Network.

Poverty, Religion and Social Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean

4-6 July 2007 | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Organized by CLACSO and CROP, with the Juan Montalvo, S.J. Center for Social Studies (CES) and the Dominican branch of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO-RD).

Contemporary Reflections on Poverty in Latin America

30 May 2007 | Bergen, Norway

Organised by CROP, UNIFOB-Global and the CLACSO-CROP Programme.

Urbanization of Poverty and New Forms of Social Exclusion

21-23 November 2006 | Mexico City, Mexico

CROP and CLACSO workshop in co-operation with Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (IIS) at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

The Politics of Poverty Production, also a matter of Human Rights and Ethics

13-15 September 2006 | Oslo, Norway

Panel organized by CROP at the Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU) conference 2006: Ethics, Human Rights and Development.

New Frontiers of Poverty Research in Latin America and the Caribbean

21 August 2006 | Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Panel organized by CLACSO and CROP at the XXIIth CLACSO General Assembly.

The Politics of Poverty Reduction

20-24 February 2006 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

Session organised by CROP and CLACSO at the International Forum on the Social Science-Policy Nexus, hosted by UNESCO/MOST and the Government of Argentina.

Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Context of Discrimination of Ethnic-Racial Groups: The Latin American Case

23-25 November 2005 | Calí, Colombia

CROP and CLACSO workshop in co-operation with CIDSE, School of Social and Economic Sciences, Universidad del Valle, Colombia.

Comparative Poverties in Africa: Towards an Agenda for Research and Policy Dialogue

21-22 October 2005 | Dakar, Senegal

Planning workshop organised by the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and CROP.

Poverty Reduction Practice and Reassertion of Sub-Nationalist Identities in the Post-Colonial Asia

20-24 August 2005 | Shanghai, China

Panel organised by CROP and South Asia Studies Centre, University of Rajasthan, India, at the International Convention of Asia Scholars 4 (ICAS-4), hosted by the Shanghai Academy for Social Sciences.

Law and Poverty VI

26-28 January 2005 | Johannesburg, South Africa

The workshop is organised jointly by CROP and CICLASS (Centre for International and Comparative Labour and Social Security Law), under the theme "Law as a tool in addressing poverty: Social protection perspectives, with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa".

Poverty as a Challenge to Citizenship and Democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean

22-24 November 2004 | University of Central America (UCA), Managua, Nicaragua

Workshop organised by CROP, the Latin American Social Science Research Council (CLACSO), UCA and the Faculty of Latin American Social Sciences, Costa Rica (FLACSO-CR).

'Knowledge as Freedom' - Human Rights, Democracy and Poverty

30 September - 1 October 2004 | Bergen, Norway

Special workshop organized by CROP during the annual conference of the Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU), Education, Knowledge and Development.

Work and the Production of Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean: Structures, Discourses and Actors

14-16 April 2004 | Santa Cruz, Bolivia

A regional conference organized by CROP, CLACSO and the Centre for Work and Agricultural Development (CEDLA).

Law and Poverty V

24-26 November 2003 | Abuja, Nigeria

CROP continues its project on Law and Poverty with a workshop in Africa, in co-operation with the Social Science Academy of Nigeria.

Politics and poverty reduction

23-24 October 2003 | Oslo, Norway

A conference organized by the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR) in co-operation with CROP and the Norwegian National Network on Local Politics and Development (LPD). Annual Conference of the Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU).

Poverty and Social Deprivation in the Mediterranean Area: The local, national/regional and global dimension

14-15 June 2003 | Komotini, Greece

CROP in collaboration with the Department of Social Administration of Democritus University of Thrace (Komotini, Greece) intends to create an interdisciplinary working group of experts on the analysis of poverty, social deprivation and anti-poverty strategies in the Mediterranean area (South Europe and particularly South-Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East).

The Role of the State in the Struggle Against Poverty

19-21 March 2003 | Recife, Brazil

A joint CROP, CLACSO and Fundacao Joaquim Nabuco (FJN) workshop.

Poverty-producing Processes

9-11 December 2002 | Vienna, Austria

Special session at the international conference on "Social Science and Social Policy in the XXIst Century" organised by UNESCO and ISSC, celebrating ISSC's 50th birthday. Papers by invitation only.

Poverty-reducing Strategies in the Caribbean - with particular emphasis on external actors and their impact on poverty formation in the area

4-6 November 2002 | Havana, Cuba

This workshop is a follow up of the CROP/CLACSO workshops on "Demography of Poverty in Latin America" (Buenos Aires 2002) and "Indigenous Populations and Poverty: Multi-disciplinary Approaches" (Guatemala 2001).

Issues in Pro-Poor Policies in non-OECD Countries

7-13 July 2002 | Brisbane, Australia

Special session organised by CROP and RC19 at the ISA XVth World Congress of Sociology.

Poverty, Corruption and Human Rights: Ethics of Citizenship and Public Service

19-22 June 2002 | Escuela Agricola Panamericana, Zamorano, Honduras

International Development Ethics Association (IDEA) 6th International Conference on Ethics and International Development, in collaboration with CROP.

Poverty and Water, with particular reference to Africa south of the Equator

23-24 April 2002 | Durban, South Africa

The workshop is a follow-up of the session on “Water, Poverty and Social Development” that CROP organised at the International Water History Association conference on The Role of Water in History and Development. The workshop is held in conjunction with the International Social Science Council Executive Committee Meeting.

Water, Poverty and Social Development

10-12 August 2001 | Bergen, Norway

Session organised by CROP at the International Water History Association conference. The session dealt with distribution and access to water and sewage in the modern megalopolis and how these facilities are made available to the poor.

The Demography of Poverty in Latin America

9-11 November 2000 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

State and Society: Partnership in Poverty Reduction?

12-14 October 2000 | Accra, Ghana

The theme of this workshop was selected to reflect the general trend that recognises the centrality of civil society and private business institutions in poverty reduction.

Partners in Research: Setting an Agenda for Norwegian Poverty Research in Collaboration with Researchers from the South

28-29 August 2000 | Oslo, Norway

CROP is appointed by the Environment and Development Division of the Norwegian Research Council to act as a node for the development of a network of Norwegian poverty researchers and other specialists with a professional interest in poverty-related questions.

Social Capital Formation in Poverty Reduction: Which Role for the Civil Society Organizations and the State

28 June 2000 | Geneva, Switzerland

Symposium organised jointly by CROP, UNESCO/MOST and ISSC at the UN World Summit for Social Development and Beyond: Achieving Social Development for All in a Globalized World.

The Role of the State in Poverty Alleviation III

7-9 November 1999 | Amman, Jordan

The workshop focused on poverty and democratisation, poverty and the public agenda.

Best Practices in Poverty Reduction

10 November 1999 | Amman, Jordan

A 1-day workshop, held in conjunction with the Role of the State in Poverty Alleviation III workshop, to help develop a framework for a project on best practices in poverty reduction.

Law and Poverty III: Law as a tool for combating poverty

19-21 May 1999 | Oñati, Spain

The workshop focused on the following: -analysis of practical experiences and solutions using law in the service of poverty reduction and social injustice. -protection of the poor by constitutional rights. -targeting of the actual and legal ability of social movements to assist their members in improving their living standards. -Presenting of case studies and research into legal instruments required to meet poverty problems.

Poverty and Social Justice in Latin America

18-20 March 1999 | Mexcio City, Mexico

The workshop focused on the following: -analysis of the relation between poverty and social justice, with particular emphasis on Latin American cases. -Developments in human rights and the search for ethical responses to past, present and future distributional dillemas. -The quest for a public ethic based on peace, justice and human rights.

The Role of the State in Poverty Alleviation II

18-22 September 1998 | Cape Town, South Africa

The workshop focused on: -Poverty and democratisation: Popular participation and changes in the performance of the state in poverty reduction -Poverty and the public agenda: The poverty issue in the political and macro-economic arena and in the policy formulation process -The role of the state in defining poverty and shaping social attitudes -Civil servants and professionals:

Poverty Alleviation as a Strategy for Social Development in the Mediterranean Area

27-28 February 1998 | Rabat, Morocco

The workshop focused on: -How different measures of poverty alleviation can be linked to strategies of social development. -Analysis of institutions (international, state, regional, and local institutions and NGOs) concerned with poverty alleviation in Mediterranean countries. -Financial and/or social consequences of poverty alleviation measures implemented by government and/or civil society.

The Role of the State in Poverty Alleviation

8-11 October 1997 | Gaborone, Botswana

The workshop focused on the following: -the different roles a state can take in poverty alleviation, -the potential different types of states has for taking a role in poverty alleviation, -the links between the state and its citizens under different measures of poverty alleviation, -cases of African states and their performance in poverty alleviation.

Human Rights as an Instrument for the Eradication of Extreme Poverty

24-27 September 1997 | Santiago, Chile

The workshop focused on the following: -In what way do the different treaty monitoring committees contribute to poverty alleviation/eradication, and how are the major International Treaties used to combat extreme poverty...

The World Bank and Poverty in Africa

15-16 September 1997 | Bergen, Norway

On the initiative of the Evaluation Division in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1997, CROP and the Christian Michelsen Institute (CMI), were commissioned to produce a report evaluating the experiences of the World Bank in operationalising its policies for poverty reduction, including an assessment of the appropriateness of these policies in terms of reducing poverty.

Law and Poverty II

22-23 May 1997 | Oñati, Spain

The workshop focused on: -Legal rights protecting the poor and other vulnerable groups. -Protection of the poor by constitutional rights. -Protection of the poor in international documents on Human Rights. -Legal framework governing political action to improve poor peoples' living conditions and secure welfare rights.


11 March 1997

Cand.philol Endre Stiansen deltok på Microcredit Summit og vil gi en orientering om bakgrunnen for mikrokreditt, de viktigste problemstillinger, og forløpet på toppmøtet i februar.

Follow up of the UN Summit on Social Development

5-6 December 1996 | Paris, France

Follow up of the UN Social Summit. Presentation of CROP research projects at the ISSC General Assembly.

Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Mediterranean Area

11-12 October 1996 | Rethymno, Crete

The Social Costs of Poverty

20-21 May 1996 | Bergen, Norway

So far little is known about the hidden costs of poverty to the non-poor. While it is recognised in general that both society at large and in particular certain groups, actually gain from a limited amount of poverty, this phenomenon has not been studied in depth.

Urban Problems in Developing Countries

26-27 March 1996 | Oslo, Norway

CROP Glossary on Poverty Concepts

8-9 March 1996 | London, UK

Editorial meeting for the preparation of a publication of an international glossary on poverty.

Poverty and the Environment

28-29 October 1995 | Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

The workshop looked at how the poor are both victims and agents of environmental degradation. The reduction in natural capital, seriously impede the prospects for long term economic development and reductions in poverty.

Feminization of Poverty

9 June 1995 | Beijing, China

Seminar arranged by The Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO and CROP as part of the preparations for the Women Conference in Beijing.

Law, Power and Poverty

11-13 May 1995 | Oñati, Spain

While law is often seen as an instrument for alleviating poverty, this workshop focused on the less obvious phenomenon of the legal framework as a power exercising instrument in creating and sustaining poverty.

Poverty and Participation in Civil Society

7 March 1995 | Copenhagen, Denmark

Invited by UNESCO, CROP organised a Round Table for UNESCO and the International Social Science Council at the UN World Summit for Social Development.

The Regional State-of-the-art Review on Poverty Research

30 November - 2 December 1994 | Paris, France

The purpose of the review was to develop a research instrument for researchers working on comparative poverty studies.

Views from the Top: Elites and Poverty

7-9 November 1994 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The workshop analyzed how strategic actors such as the bureaucracy, entrepreneurs, politicians, intellectuals, religious leaders, and the military view poverty, inequality, distribution of resources and their own policy making.

Urban Poverty

7-9 October 1994 | Bergen, Norway

The workshop included presentation of conceptual papers, assessments of "urban poverty" programmes and papers reporting on empirical findings.

Poverty and Social Protection in Central and Eastern Europe

29 October - 1 November 1992 | Budapest, Hungary


CROP News and Events

CROP-GRIP Newsletter 2019-2020

March 2020

This special issue newsletter is the final one for CROP and the first one for GRIP. It explains the transition process and provides an overview of CROP activities in 2019.

The Politics of Social Inclusion: From Knowledge to Action

15 November 2019 | UN Library, GENEVA

BOOK LAUNCH for forthcoming CROP/UNESCO publication (as part of UNRISD Seminar Series)

Putting Children First: New Frontiers in the Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa

18 October 2019 | Brighton, UK

BOOK LAUNCH and workshop at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in Brighton, UK

News from CROPNet
