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Global child poverty and well-being: Measurement, concepts, policy and action

Global child poverty and well-being: Measurement, concepts, policy and action

BOOK edited by Alberto Minujin (CROP Scientific Committee Member) and Shailen Nandy

Policy Press, February 2012

This book brings together theoretical, methodological and policy-relevant contributions by leading researchers on international child poverty. It examines how child poverty and well-being are now conceptualized, defined and measured, and presents regional and national level portraits of child poverty around the world, in rich, middle income and poor countries.

Child poverty is unfortunately a central and present part of global life, with hundreds of millions of children around the world enduring tremendous suffering and deprivation of their most basic needs.

Despite its long history, research on poverty and development has only relatively recently examined the issue of child poverty as a distinct topic of concern.

The book's objective is therefore to promote and influence policy, action and the research agenda to address one of the world's great ongoing tragedies: child poverty, marginalization and inequality.

The book has been edited by Alberto Minujin and Shailen Nandy.

Visit the Policy Press for ordering information


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