
The Childwatch International Research Network

The Childwatch International Research Network

CROP has had a close collaboration with The Childwatch International Research Network since 2006. The international secretariat of Childwatch is hosted by the University of Oslo, NORWAY. CROP and Childwatch have organized various events in the period 2007 – 2009.

Conversations with Childwatch on a more formal collaboration were initiated in 2011 and two meetings (28 February and 2 September) were held between the organizations during the year. The focus of the talks has been the joint organization of a series of workshops and publications on child poverty and social policies toward its eradication. Follow-up conversations and fundraising proposals are scheduled for 2012. These series of events will be organized on an annual basis starting in 2013.

Visit the Childwatch webpage for more information about their activities.


CROP News and Events

CROP-GRIP Newsletter 2019-2020

March 2020

This special issue newsletter is the final one for CROP and the first one for GRIP. It explains the transition process and provides an overview of CROP activities in 2019.

The Politics of Social Inclusion: From Knowledge to Action

15 November 2019 | UN Library, GENEVA

BOOK LAUNCH for forthcoming CROP/UNESCO publication (as part of UNRISD Seminar Series)

Putting Children First: New Frontiers in the Fight Against Child Poverty in Africa

18 October 2019 | Brighton, UK

BOOK LAUNCH and workshop at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in Brighton, UK

News from CROPNET
