
Academics Stand Against Poverty: Launch Conference at Yale University

Academics Stand Against Poverty: Launch Conference at Yale University

CONFERENCE: CROP is co-sponsoring the launch conference of Academics Stand Against Poverty to be held at Yale University on 23 April.

23 April 2011 | Yale University, USA

Together with the Yale MacMillan Center, CROP is co-sponsoring the US launch conference of Academics Stand Against Poverty at Yale University 23 April 2011. One of the main objectives of the conference is to discuss how academics can collaborate in order to increase their impact as scholars on global poverty.

Chair of CROP, Professor Thomas Pogge, (Yale), Professor of Philosophy and the founder and director of "Incentives for Global Health" is among the speakers at this US launch conference. Other speakers include Anat Biletzki (Quinnipiac and Tel-Aviv University), Professor of Philosophy and former chairperson of B'tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories; Gerry Mackie (UCSD), Professor of Political Science and consultant to UNICEF; James Silk (Yale), Professor of Law and Director of the Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic and Mary Evelyn Tucker (Yale), Professor of environmental and religious studies and co-founder and co-director of the Forum on Religion and Ecology.

The conference is open to all, and faculty, graduate and undergraduate students working on poverty are encouraged to attend.


CROP News and Events

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March 2020

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18 October 2019 | Brighton, UK

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